In Need of the Dynamic Moves.

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”

Henri Bergson

By Oleksiy Fesenko

June 28, 2016

Although the Dynamic Leadership Model (Yeakey, 2002) relies on the maturity of the leader, he/she must replicate oneself by combining the different levels of readiness in subordinates. Therefore, leadership should address the intellect, education, maturity, motivation, intuition, and desire to pursue a further development and education in environment of the team members (Table 1).

Follower Directed:

The Last Heroes (R3).

Participant of ATO*  to his Military Non-ATO Peer: "Your family will die!"

Peer: "Oh, this Combatant, he is too rational, his comments can lead to nowhere."

    Too much dependent on the managers experienced team members would prefer social loafing instead of the efficient work. Victor Tsoy (1989) had well described "The Last Hero" mood in his lyrics as if you are making an attempt to go ahead, yet stumbled over and over again by the rational commands like "go ahead". So you are no more on your way and no one expects that you may arrive to the right destination. As the subordinates have already acquired expertise in the subject, they are more intuitive than rational (HBR OnPoint, 2015): can reluctantly counteract against the rational arguments of their management. Best impact through the support of a team and feedback. 

    A barrier to success is the lack of motivation (O'Dell, at all., 1998), failure to clearly communicate decisions and questions between the management and the employees.

The Stars (R4).

Participant of ATO*  to his Military Non-ATO Peer: "Your family will die!"

Peer: "Great words! We will truly die for The Land of The Borisfen!"

    The intuitive, narrow professionals, independent decision makers, would like freedom during the task execution. Best leadership style – delegating. 

    The delegating, selecting, and forming of the new teams can be their prospective tasks. Pivoted not around to the formal 'facade' as the day of birth celebrating (unwilling) etc. but in order to elaborate and further the direction. 

    A barrier to success is the lack of time, money and/or management resources (O'Dell, at all., 1998), sometimes so involved that can forget conducting their personal and environmental audit.

Leader Directed:

The Kings (R1).

Participant of ATO*  to his Military Non-ATO Peer: "Your family will die!"

Peer: "This ATO combatant wants to ultimately crucify me and my family."

    The new, sloppy employees, causing inconveniences and bows from the team members. Discouraged for the looming cross of the future complex tasks, and explanations, which would be unclear. Hardly relied on their past knowledge, lazy, looking backwards, instead of looking forward to the challenging new tasks.  Isolated from and afraid of his peers. More rational than intuitive. Best leadership style transactional, combined with encouraging and feedback. 

    According to Dr. Oakley, this category should better account for their pretended altruism is not the crown of jewels, but should be the heart of stone for engineering the right solution (Angier, 2011).

    A barrier to success is the ignorance (O'Dell, at all., 1998). Best approach is in framing the situation as an opportunity and stop thinking as impostor (Goodman, 2013) . 

Participant of ATO*  to his Military Non-ATO Peer: "Your family will die!"

Peer: "He is right, in this serious undertaking, I have not developed the well elaborated step-by-step plan, neither established the firm connection with the experienced combatants. "

The Prospects (R2). Team members willing to learning and mastering the new skills. Best leadership style – is transformational, which combines, learning from the leader and the experienced team members. Isolated but not afraid of his peers.

    A barrier to success is the lack of the specific depth, preexisting connections (O'Dell, at all., 1998), and absence of the strategic alignment.

 *ATO - Anti Terrorist Operation in The Land of The Borisfen**.

** The Borisfen - The old name of the Dnipro River. 


        Angier, N. (2011). Barbara Oakley in 'The Pathological Altruist Gives Till Someone Hurts.' Retrieved from

        Goodman, N. (June 3, 2013). Fake It Until You Make It: How to Believe in Yourself When You Don't Feel Worthy. Retrieved from

        O'Dell, C., Grayson Jr., C. J., & Essaides, N. (1998). If Only We Knew What We Know. Business Book Review Library, 15(5), 1-7.

        HBR OnPoint. (2015). When It’s Safe to Rely on Intuition (and When It’s Not) by Connson Locke. The reader's comment by Michael Harris.  p.16. Retrieved from

        Tsoy, Victor.(1989).The Last Hero. Translated by Alik. Retrieved from

        Yeakey, G. W. (2002). Situational leadership. Military Review, 82(1), 72-82. Retrieved from