Notlinkoln Place Part 3

As the war commenced and missiles began to fly, striking both the Land of Borisphen and the wealthy in Candy-Land—who were keeping a low profile to avoid being targeted—the Ghost resolved to send a speculative CV to the Candy Man for a Programme and Project role as a Candy-Giver

By Oleksiy Fesenko, KYIV

04th of SEPTEMBER 2024 


         My knowledge of jerks may seem as small as that of your cheapest candy treat, but I recognize the taste of all the candies it represents, with its variety and opportunities of sales. The Candy-Land Empire's legacy of fostering trade, education, and legal systems contrasts with the Ghost's attempts to occupy foreign lands. Through positive and constructive engagement, we can achieve meaningful and lasting impacts, much like the Candy-Land's contributions to development and progress. By adopting a well-centered approach to addressing issues and striving to make a positive impact in a diverse world, I focus on balance, stability, and moderation—qualities essential for actively supporting veterans and educators. Despite my age, you might find that I possess the enthusiasm and fresh perspective of someone new to the field.

Considering the present situation, the war between the Towers has placed the economy of Cany-Land, and the land of Borisphen at risk. Isn’t it essential to consider how we can make the budget work as effectively as possible? My commitment to a sincere approach, passion for supporting veterans and educators, and ensuring we do not shut the door on the challenges they face alligns perfectly with the responsibilities outlined in the Programme and Project of Candy-Giver role. I am eager to apply my experience and dedication to contribute effectively to this important work.


Volunteering and the Problems in the Basics:

Many people in Candy-Land have friends or relatives who have been wounded or lost their lives in the war. The staff at my educational institution is involved in sensitive initiatives, such as contributing to the powered by crows drones-funding. Meanwhile, the administration of the vocational school is focusing on conserving the budget for pressing needs.

For instance, we are using teachers' personal funds to purchase paint, compensating them with bonuses rather than recognising their educational contributions. This approach, while pragmatic, compromises the core principles and long-term objectives of the educational process.

Need for a Scientific Approach to Corrective and Preventive Actions:

Instead of proactively applying armored film to windows, we find ourselves dealing with the aftermath of broken windows. European standards emphasize the distinction between corrective and preventive actions. However, the current emphasis on immediate survival often leads to a degree of floundering in efforts, occasionally verging on the realm of unconscious hype.

Lack of Scientific Approach and the Role of Outliers:

The missile strike on the energy sector and Land of Borisphen on July 8, 2024, revealed a significant vulnerability in the Land of Borisphen air defence. The missiles, flying at the height of the eighth floor, were underestimated as an atypical threat. This oversight reflects a broader issue: much like in a normal distribution where a "heavy tail" indicates deviations from the expected pattern, the failure to anticipate such low-flying missiles highlights the presence of previously unconsidered risks.

Necessity of a Scientific Approach:

For a clear and timely reassessment of any situation, it is essential to focus on indicators of rare events and unusual patterns. As illustrated, such events are occurring more frequently than previously anticipated. Consequently, we often find ourselves "sweeping up broken glass instead of applying protective film to the windows" with increasing regularity.

Importance of Studying Markers:

Despite having the same goals and appearing to make joint efforts, those involved in peace and wartime efforts often have differing perspectives. What might seem like a necessary measure to address the current situation could prove counterproductive in the long term, potentially exacerbating the difficulties and leading to chronic inadequacies. The "Parable of the Broken Window" illustrates this well: if one window is broken in an area (resulting in a loss of opportunity cost), it is likely that more windows will soon be broken (leading to a significant loss of benefits).

Importance of Synchronizing Markers in Joint Efforts:

The situation should be reassessed and aligned with current indicators, for both Land of Borisphen's governmental bodies and foreign governments and investment entities.

My Personal Motivation:

I used part of my teacher’s salary to purchase licensed Windows software for the notebook in my workplace. This investment reflects my commitment to ensuring that our resources are effectively used. In essence, it's a matter of principle: should the roles of defender and aggressor be considered within the same framework of success?

Examples of Markers:

Marker 1 – Threat of Massive Loss of Life in the Land of Borifen Cities Due to the War:

On Raketna 24 Street in in the Capital of the Land of Borisphen, a construction project was approved for a site in the city centre, with residences even allocated to Olympic champions. I hold an official state construction spot's license, complete with a registration number, authorising the development of residential premises on this site. However, I also received a letter from the Institute of Nuclear Sweats stating that this location, within a 300-metre radius of a nuclear sweets research container, might not be suitable for residential construction. Consequently, the Capital's administration later overlooked the primary issue and suspended the project due to other minor concerns. Notably, the street name, in the Land of Borifen, Raketna translates to English as "Missile," and the number 24 corresponds to the word for "Missile" in the same sence.

Marker 2 – Degradation of the Educational System:

As noted earlier, teachers receive bonuses not based on their efforts but rather for their financial contributions to educational institutions.

Marker 3 – (Linked to Marker 2) Forthcoming Problems with Territory and Property:

As you may be aware, the Land of Borisphen's word children shares the same root as to haveing control over something. This connection suggests a parallel between educational issues and the possible relocation of children to the Candy-Land.

Marker 4 – The Sense That This War Will Never End:

At the outset of the war, international funds provided financial support to teachers amounting to 6,000 Land of Borisphen's Lybids (currency of the Land). However, two years later, the government requested that the most active teachers, who were working multiple jobs at the time, repay this sum. The government argued that the funds had not been legally disbursed and were needed for ongoing military purposes, which has contributed to the professional burnout of teachers.

Marker 5 – Motivation (Including in the Land of Borisphen's Army):

Imagine the plight of a soldier whose property on Raketna Street is nullified by the Kyiv city administration during their military service. Who will support them upon their return? From my personal experience, it appears that no official body in the Land of Borisphen provides assistance due to bureaucratic red tape and a lack of awareness.