Notlincoln Place

Part 2

The Two Paths: Relationship Between the Towers.

In the first part 'The Tower', set in Rio de Janeiro, a mysterious investor visits an abandoned skyscraper, known as the Tower, sparking questions about its history and purpose. The protagonist encounters the investor, who cryptically mentions the upcoming elections and the influence of the 'Ghost', raising suspicions about the city's political landscape. As the protagonist explores the Tower's secrets, they uncover a deeper connection between its past and present, hinting at hidden agendas and power struggles within the city. 

By Oleksiy Fesenko, KYIV

31st of MAY 2024 

In Rio, two distinct paths emerged among its inhabitants. Each path was defined by different values and ways of life, leading to diverse outcomes for the individuals who walked them.

On one side, there were those whose lives were rich with human and intellectual capabilities. These individuals, whom we shall call the Innovators, were known for their dedication, creativity, and reliability. They often arrived at their workplaces early, driven by a passion for their work and a desire to contribute meaningfully to society. Their wealth was not measured in material possessions but in their ability to think, create, and connect with others on a profound level. They harboured a strong dislike for the other type of residents, the Accumulators, whom they regarded as "jerks" due to their destructive and aggressive attitude towards others. 

On the other side, there were those whose lives were filled with material wealth. These individuals, known as the Accumulators, had a different set of priorities. Their days often began later, as they enjoyed the comforts afforded by their properties. They were known to arrive at work with a slight delay and leave at the earliest opportunity, preferring the luxuries of their estates to the demands of their jobs. They had a deep disdain for the other type of residents, the Innovators, whom they saw as "screw-ups" because, in their view, they frequently caused disorder, often necessitating immediate intervention. 

Among the Innovators, there was the Ghost who lived in the half-distroyed brother building. The Ghost was a thinker and a problem-solver, always the first to come to the office and the last to leave. His colleagues admired his commitment and often sought his advice, knowing that his insights were both reliable and profound. The Ghost's ability to foresee challenges and devise solutions earned him a reputation as a prophetic figure within his community.

In contrast, there was the Candy Man among the Accumulators who lived in the inhabited building. The Candy Man's life was defined by his vast estates and opulent lifestyle. He enjoyed the finer things in life and saw his work merely as a means to maintain his wealth. His presence at the office was more perfunctory than passionate, and his early departures were a common occurrence. Though the Candy Man's wealth was evident, his contributions to the workplace were often minimal.

As time passed, the differences between the Innovators and the Accumulators became more pronounced. The Innovators, with their dedication and intellectual prowess, became the backbone of Rio's progress. Their ability to foresee challenges and provide valuable insights proved indispensable to the city's development.

The Accumulators, on the other hand, found themselves increasingly out of touch with the needs of their community. Their focus on material wealth, while beneficial in the short term, lacked the depth and foresight required for sustained progress. The city began to recognize that true value lay not in the abundance of property but in the richness of human and intellectual contributions.


One day, a crisis struck Rio. A critical system failure threatened to disrupt the city's infrastructure. 

The Ghost saw the following solution to the situation: The Innovators, led by the Ghost, sprang into action. Their early arrival and unwavering dedication allowed them to address the issue swiftly, mitigating potential damage and restoring stability. The Accumulators, arriving late and leaving early, were unable to provide any meaningful assistance during the crisis.

In the aftermath, the city realized the profound truth of their situation. The true wealth of Rio lay in the capabilities and foresight of its Innovators. The society began to shift its values, recognizing and rewarding those who contributed through their human and intellectual capabilities.

From that day forward, Rio thrived not on the volume of its properties but on the strength and reliability of its people. The Innovators, like the Ghost, were celebrated for their contributions, and the city flourished under their guidance. The lesson was clear: the true prophets of society were those who valued human and intellectual wealth over material possessions.


However, good intentions do not always lead to the desired outcomes, and the Candy Man has declared war on the Land of Borisfen, believing it to be governed by the Ghost Tower. Despite attempting to outmaneuver the calorie battle by indulging in sweets, many found themselves tipping the scales and drifting far from the average. Meanwhile, others, who fell through the cracks due to the lack of suitable housing, were forced to slip into the shadows, becoming ghosts of the city, unseen and unheard.